Fiction is art and should not be confused with reality

Dear Free the Bear! readers. Judging by some of the posts on the @FreetheBear! Facebook page, there is some confusion about the fact that this is a fictional novel. A fictional novel is a work of art that should not be confused with some kind of political manifesto. Read the novel or don’t but judge the work on its own merits instead of superimposing what you suppose the novel is about. It’s also important to mention that in this fictional novel California secedes from the US bloodlessly, meaning without lethal conflict. This may surprise people whose belief in violence is greater than their faith in human goodness. In case you actually want to read the book, and we very much recommend that you do here’s the info! Here’s the link for the paperback version of the book. The Kindle Ebook version is here: Do you have the Kindle App for your iPad? It’s free.…